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If you'd rather, you can reach us directly by phone:
Mike - 617 230 9572 or Carl - 781 608 0900

Prospect Hill Forge Notification list Sign-up
If you are waiting for a particular class to show up on the schedule, please tell us.

Filling out this form is not a commitment to taking the class.
It's just a way for you to signify your interest so that we can know when there're enough people interested to make it worth adding to our schedule.
We will also know to notify you the moment we do schedule the class so that you can have the first shot at a space.

First Name: 
Last Name: 
Student's Age:

Contact info :
eMail address: 

Phone number: 

The class you're looking for:


Note: Time-valued requests for information or action should be sent through our Contact Us Page.
Comments made here may not be seen for months.
Just so ya know.

Please type the word from the picture here: (Capitalization Counts)