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Connecticut Blacksmiths Guild meeting at Mystic

We may or not be there, depending on scheduling, but this is the info from the Connecticut Blacksmith's Guild site:

CBG Winter Meeting
Driggs Blacksmith Shop, Mystic Seaport, Mystic, Ct
1pm – 4pm

Bring Items for the `Iron in the Hat’ Raffle

For more info contact: Bill Sheer, mysticbs@aol.com, (860)536-0679


Instructor: CBG folk will be doing the talking.
(it is unclear whether there is any fee) per student
There is room for as many as will come.


Required: A rapid Covid test that day.
Yes, really, we're still asking for it in 2024.
It's still out there, and no fun at all.

Please wear proper clothing for visiting or working in the forge:
closed toe shoes (preferably leather, preferably high-topped. Sneakers are sufficient, sandals, crocs, pumps, mules... are not), natural fiber clothing, long pants that cover the tops of the shoes.
Click here for more safety information.

Dates and Times:

This class is either:
- not upcoming on our schedule,
- or we've fallen behind in our clerical duties and not entered it in the database.
If you found it on our calendar page, we are planning to offer it on that date.

If you're interested in taking Connecticut Blacksmiths Guild meeting at Mystic and it's not on the calendar, please tell us using our Notification-List Page.

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Connecticut Blacksmiths Guild  meeting at Mystic 

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