We'll be doing at least five different forge welds in the construction of a candelabrum. A "T", a Basket, a lap, a socket, a stack, and maybe a little brag-weld if we can pull it off.
Expect a bit of dishing, some threading and a tenon joint.
Gift Certificates for Forging A Candelabrum are available.
Five, maybe six, three hour meetings dates×
Instructor: Carl West
Fee: $550 per student
Maximum 4 students
Please wear proper clothing for visiting or working in the forge:
closed toe shoes (preferably leather, preferably high-topped. Sneakers are sufficient, sandals, crocs, pumps, mules... are not), natural fiber clothing, long pants that cover the tops of the shoes.
Click here for more safety information.
Part Two: Finishing the Fool Things
Dates and Times:
If none of the dates below work for you (or are already full), we suggest you
Add yourself to the Notification List for this class.
(The notification list gets emailed soon after classes are put on the schedule.)
Weekly on Mondays, March 24 to April 14
6:00pm to 10:00am
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