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Iron Carving
Introduction to Animal Head Finials

Through the ages, smiths have used a few deft blows here and there to finish their work with animal, bird, human, or fantastic head finials and ornaments similar to the gargoyles and grotesques found at the roof-lines of cathedrals, palaces, and castles. This class will give you the opportunity to follow in this decorative tradition.
You'll learn how to use punches and chisels to open mouths, punch noses and eyes, and cut ears and horns to make fantastical creature heads with unique personalities.

Gift Certificates for Iron Carving are available.

6 hours 2 meetings    dates&times

Instructor: Carl West
$250 per student
Maximum 4 students, one per forge


Required: A rapid Covid test that day.
Yes, really, we're still asking for it in 2025.
It's still out there, and no fun at all.

Pre-requisite: Rudiments I. Rudiments 2 is strongly recommended.

Please wear proper clothing for visiting or working in the forge:
closed toe shoes (preferably leather, preferably high-topped. Sneakers are sufficient, sandals, crocs, pumps, mules... are not), natural fiber clothing, long pants that cover the tops of the shoes.
Click here for more safety information.

Dates and Times:
If none of the dates below work for you (or are already full), we suggest you
Add yourself to the Notification List for this class.
(The notification list gets emailed soon after classes are put on the schedule.)

This class is either:
- not upcoming on our schedule,
- or we've fallen behind in our clerical duties and not entered it in the database.
If you found it on our calendar page, we are planning to offer it on that date.

If you're interested in taking Iron Carving and it's not on the calendar, please tell us using our Notification-List Page.

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