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Our Fourteen-and-a-halfth Birthday
An Outdoor Celebration

November 1 is Prospect Hill Forge's half-birthday.
It's been over a year and a half since we've had a party, and 14 and a half years since we started this blacksmithing craziness ... we're still going strong (modulo pandemic) and we'd like to celebrate.

This will happen in the space we've been using for our Outdoor Classes at 58 Guinan Street, just up the street from the smithy you're used to. (there will be signs)

We'll be using one-or more of our portable forges to grill on, there'll be a portable loading dock for drinks and nibbles.
We'll start around 1pm to take advantage of the daylight, and run as late as 7pm (with lights)
As I write this I have no sense of what the weather might hold for that day, I'm being optimistic. Dress for the weather, we have canopies if necessary. - CW

Don't come if you're not vaccinated, we still have unvaccinated youngsters in our bubble. Feel free to maintain distance.

Roughly 6 hours    dates&times

Instructor: There will be no instructing per se. But questions will be answered if asked.
Feel free to bring something to go on the grill, or on the Loading Dock per student
Class size is negotiable


Required: A rapid Covid test that day.
Yes, really, we're still asking for it in 2024.
It's still out there, and no fun at all.

Dates and Times:

This class is either:
- not upcoming on our schedule,
- or we've fallen behind in our clerical duties and not entered it in the database.
If you found it on our calendar page, we are planning to offer it on that date.

If you're interested in taking Our Fourteen-and-a-halfth Birthday and it's not on the calendar, please tell us using our Notification-List Page.

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Our Fourteen-and-a-halfth Birthday

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