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Our Seventh Birthday
... and still in business!

Seven Years.

Wholely Moley.

We started in May of '07, and it's been uphill ever since.
We've had nearly a thousand students in that time. Some have caught on fire, a few have merely burned themselves.

It'll be pretty much the usual semi-pot-luck, we'll trick out forge 3 with a grill and charcoal for tasty cooking of tasty things.
Please feel free to bring something to put on the grill, on the table, or in a cup.
Gluten-free items are especially appreciated.

We'll start about 6:30 and go until... midnight-ish ... however long we maintain critical mass.

If you'd like to feel that there's a theme to the party, consider it to be "Lucky Seven" and do with that concept what you will.

This is intended to be a party more than anything else, if you want to talk about classes, or buy something, we will accommodate you, but we're not going to start anything.

One meeting, roughly five and one half hours.    dates&times

Instructor: PHF staff and friends.
There is no fee. Just bring Your Own Fine Self. per student
There is room for as many as come

Note: We will sweep and neaten up a bit, but don't expect to be able to arrive wearing white and go home wearing white.
The smithy is neither child proof nor child resistant.


Required: A rapid Covid test that day.
Yes, really, we're still asking for it in 2024.
It's still out there, and no fun at all.

Dates and Times:

This class is either:
- not upcoming on our schedule,
- or we've fallen behind in our clerical duties and not entered it in the database.
If you found it on our calendar page, we are planning to offer it on that date.

If you're interested in taking Our Seventh Birthday and it's not on the calendar, please tell us using our Notification-List Page.

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