Many of the features of this website use JavaScript. Your browser either doesn't support Javascript, or you have it disabled. You will need Javascript enabled to view our complete class descriptions or use our otherwise convenient registration and email links.

If you'd rather, you can reach us directly by phone:
Mike - 617 230 9572 or Carl - 781 608 0900

Hmpf. We're having trouble with our outgoing email and incoming phone calls.
For the moment (and this is temporary) call 7 ate won 6 oh ate oh 9 hundred instead. AFTER 10am.

Yup, we're doing what we can to reopen safely
click here to see more.

Prospect Hill Forge is a teaching smithy
located in Waltham, Massachusetts.

We offer:

To register for a class:

  1. Have a look at the column to the right, or go to the calendar.
  2. Click on a class name (or picture) and another window will open.
  3. Scroll down until you find a date and time you like,
  4. Click the "Click Here..." link,
  5. Follow the instructions when you get there.
or Online...
or at your place (our Forge-to-Go classes)

Feel free to visit us on Facebook. You don't have to log in to Facebook to see what we have to show, but if you are logged in, feel free to 'Like' us while you're there.
RSS feeds for classes and events
To help you find out when the class you've been waiting for gets scheduled on our calendar, we've created RSS feeds for each class, and one for all our events and activites (classes, open houses, demos...).
(What is RSS, why do I care, and how do I use it?)

Click here to subscribe
to the RSS feed for

All PHF Events

(Our RSS feeds update
a few minutes after midnight
every night.)

These are the next few classes for beginners,
and events of interest.

Click the class name for more information.
Or view our Full Calendar to see everything we have scheduled.

A Taste of Blacksmithing
A single-session introductory class - $85

Saturday, February 22
2:00pm to 5:00pm

... and 1 more is on the calendar.

A Forged Iron Bottle Opener
A single-session introductory class - $85

Saturday, February 15
2:00pm to 5:00pm

... and 3 more are on the calendar.

Ready, Set, Smith!
A good start in Blacksmithing - $825

Weekly on Sundays, March 2 to May 4
6:30pm to 9:30pm
(No class on April 20)

Open Smithy
A time to do your own things - $25 /hr, $225 /10hr package

Saturday, February 15
10:00am to 1:00pm
(2025 - 2024)

... and 30 more are on the calendar.

Rudiments of Blacksmithing I
The beginning of learning the basics of blacksmithing (4 weeks) - $390

Weekly on Wednesdays, March 5 to March 26
1:00pm to 4:00pm - An Afternoon Class!

Aluminum Casting with the Coal Forge
Casting aluminum in dry sand with the foam vaporization method - $125

Friday, February 21 (TENTATIVE)
7:00pm to 10:00pm

Nothing but Knives
We make a practice knife (letter-opener) and a knife. Annealed, hardened, and differentially tempered. - $375

Weekly on Mondays, March 3 to March 17
6:30pm to 9:30pm


A video by and of Mark Oribello, one of our advanced students and Open Smithy monitors:

We also have a Youtube channel with (as of 20221217) six videos, and more to come.

Facemasks & Sourdough

There was a lot of interest in these in the depth of the pamdammit:

Here's my page about my design for a mask more suited to the bearded face,
(which does also work on un-bearded faces, the beard is not required for proper functioning)

And if you're making pleated rectangular masks, here's a design for a simple-to-make (cardboard and tape) pleating tool that just might speed you up.

And my No-Waste Procedure for maintaining and using a sourdough starter.

- On the South side of Guinan Street, toward the Eastern end - Waltham - Massachusetts -
- P.O.Box 541372 - 02454 -
781 816 9433 (781 81 oxide)
-- Directions --